The Mulholland Legend 480 Coupe is a homage built on tradition and the advancement of design. It features a front-engine, rear-wheel-drive flyweight powered by a V8 that produces 480 horsepower. Not sure what the Torque is, but this Damian McTagget design is one of a kind instantly invoking either love or hate. What would you expect from someone who also designed the TVR. Those who know, know that Mulholland is fanatical when it comes to TVR so enlisting the designer for Graham Mulholland was an honor for both. As Mulholland e
EPM brand is one of the carbon fiber composite companies that is prestigious in the Formula One world. Just ask teams that live and die by the companyś brand. So it stands to reason that the Mulholland Legend 480 Coupe is meant to take the best of Formula One & TVR into a creation built with passion and precision. Time will tell how the car is received by people in the car world, and those who will drive it as an enthusiast.